Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching up: Installment #2
OK, so the Christmas tree is we need Christmas cookies! Here are Madeline and Timothy working away at the icing while our cut out cookies bake.

We made a ton of cookies!

Here they are cut out, baked and icing ready to go...and that's how they traveled to Ohio with us.
Sunday morning the kiddos went to church with Gramma and Poppy...I know this is not the best picture. They were tired and it was impossible to achieve simultaneous cooperation. But aren't their outfits cute? Timothy's sweater is from Aunt Heather, and so is Madeline's top, a pillowcase dress that Aunt Heather made for her!
Mike and I played hookey (I know, shame shame...) to attend a Browns game. Now before you chastise me, I have to say that this may be one of the most monumental acts of love from wife to husband ever. doesn't look sacrficial here when we're all smiles on the way....
But here we are during the game with a windchill down to -25 and gusts of wind up to 45 mph!
Take a look at the stands during third quarter....the place was so empty. "only the committed fans are out today," they kept saying. Well, let me tell you it was the committed fans and their even more committed wives!
Here's our number one Browns fan (decked out in Tarheels gear!) during fourth qaurter. Check out those stands. The game was still going on!
Well, after our hike back to the car, we took awhile to thaw out. Here are some pictures of the thawing process... We did finally warm up, and even had a nice dinner together before heading back home to Mom and Dad Renfrows'. Look who surprised Mom and Dad and made it up for Christmas after all. We love you Matt and Hannah!
Aunt Hannah helped ice our Christmas cookies...look, we even let her use the sprinkles ;) Well, that's all for now!


Jodi said...

Love the new blog look! I have missed you and your updates :) Hope things are going well. Love you all!!!


Lisa said...

Yeah, new pictures!! Glad to see you guys have been having some fun. I have to give you props for being such a devoted wife, I think I would have sent someone else to the game with Mike =)


Joy said...

I'm so glad things are going well for you. I miss being able to visit with you but I love following your blog. You've got me hooked on blogging now and my family LOVES it. It's been hard to keep up with it lately and at Christmas my family let me know I was slacking and that they were missing my posts so I'm going to try to do better! Take care and talk to you later! :)