I'd gotten a phone call earlier in the week that some friends of ours were anxious to have Madeline and Timothy over after school so they could show off the newest additions to their family--kittens! So Friday afternoon we headed over to their place and got to see these tiny little fur balls. The kids loved snuggling them close and listening to their sweet meows.
After Chuck E. Cheese, we headed over to the park. There is a beautiful path with a waterfall that we walked, and, of course, we took advantage of the setting to get some cute pictures. Here are some of my favorites. After our walk, we went over to the "real" park and the kids played for awhile.
Mike and I were sitting on a bench, and I decided a snapshot was in order. Not bad....but I told him his eyes were kind of closed.
to which his response was.....
and then.....
I guess I should have left well enough alone! =P
At least Madeline still has smiles for me.
About this time, Timothy came over and informed me that this was a "really bad day" because he was getting stuff in his shoes. I reminded him that we went out to lunch, played at Chuck E. Cheese and the came to the park.
He was undeterred.
There is a splash pad right next to the park where the kids were playing, and even though we didn't have swim suits with us, Madeline still really wanted to go and just, you know, watch. Well, I pushed Timothy on the swing for a few minutes, and when we found our way over to the splash pad we discovered that Daddy had in fact given himself over to Madeline's wistful looks and let her run through the sprinklers in her clothes. Timothy ventured out a little bit, but he never gets as wet as Miss Madeline. I'm pretty sure he was having a "good day" though when I took this picture. =)
At least the kids were able to enjoy one day of their long weekend. Here they are worn out and watching a movie after we got home.
The next day at school was track and field day. Since I made the trip to Nappanee I felt, as always, it was my responsibility to chronicle these events for my children. Wouldn't you know it though? I left my camera in South Bend! Well, I went to CVS and picked up a disposable, and can I just say the whole event became a reminder of why I so LOVE my digital camera!
Here is Madeline's class playing tug-o-war. She is in the pink shirt two children to the left of the teacher in the middle.Here she is with her partner from the three legged race. These two gals had a great start and a commanding lead, when they lost their footing and toppled over. No ribbon....but they did get up and finish the race, and really could a ribbon have made me any prouder?
Madeline doing the long jump...
Timothy's extended day class came out and did some of the events as well. Here he is in the three legged race. (You can also see Mrs. Matthews behind him. She was his extended day teacher and was so wonderful with him! She was so patient and understanding, and one of the reasons we LOVE this school!)
Enjoying the sun with some boys from his class....
and playing tug-o-war. I'm pretty sure he was on the team to the left, but it doesn't look like he's pulling for the right team in this picture!
mmmmmm.....enjoying a slush with some gals....
Did I mention that I missed my digital camera terribly? Sorry this picture is fuzzy, but I have to include it so I can tell you about Mrs. Nickerson. She was the teacher's assistant in Timothy's classroom this year, but she finished out the year on maternity leave because she just had a beautiful little girl with a head full of dark hair =) Her son was in Madeline's class (and a good buddy of Madeline's) this year, which is why we ran into her on field day.
At the beginning of the school year Timothy had some rough mornings transitioning into the classroom....he's not a morning person, you know. Well, Mrs. Nickerson would come down to the office and get him and talk to him as she walked him to the classroom easing him into the transition. She was so patient with him on these occasions I was able to witness, that I know she was one of the reasons Timothy did so well in the classroom all year long. One morning she came to help pry him off of my legs and I apologized for the inconvenience and thanked her. She looked me in the eye and said, "Don't you ever feel like you need to apologize. I look forward to seeing your son every day." That's what makes NES so special to us....the people here care so much....it's not just a job to them. I know my kids did so well at NES because they felt loved there.
I was talking to another one of the moms at field day, and we pretty much agreed that we had hit the teacher jackpot this year. (She has a daughter in Timothy's class and a son in Madeline's)
Madeline's teacher was amazing! Have I mentioned that to everyone enough this year? Madeline had a kind of rough year last year. She was pretty hard on herself and discouraged with school. She didn't like reading because she wasn't at the level she wanted to be at, so trying to improve ended up just causing more frustration to her. Well, we worked with her over the summer. She did a summer reading class, which was a ton of fun, and we took her to the store and let her pick out books that she enjoyed reading; we just tried to bring back the joy of reading. I knew that this year would be pivotal though....I didn't want her to have a bad year and end up not liking school as a result. Mrs. Dodson could not have been any more of a blessing to us. Madeline loved Mrs. Dodson from day one, and Mrs. Dodson was such an encourager to Madeline all year long. She started the year about one level behind her reading goal, but by the time second trimester had rolled around she shot right through her appropriate level and was two ahead. She's turned into a regular bookworm! She's always making some art project or picture for Mrs. Dodson, and when we told her we were going to have to move this year, the first thing she said was, "but what about Mrs. Dodson? I'll never see her if I live in South Bend!" Come to find out, that Mrs. Dodson is retiring this year. Thank you, Lord, for letting our paths cross for this, her last school year! I have a feeling Sheryl Dodson will be one of those teachers that Madeline remembers fondly as an adult.....she certainly inspired Madeline to do her personal best this year! Speaking of teacher jackpot.....Mrs. Miller has been a treasure to our family as well. She is so sensitive to Timothy's needs, and knows just how to draw him into a group so he'll participate, or comfort him when he's beginning to get overwhelmed. When she discovered Timothy's love of reading, she began sending home supplemental materials for him to read at home. My parents were able to recognize what a special teacher she is in just the short interaction they had with her at Grandparent's day this year. I've told her many times that it is so apparent to me why God placed Timothy in her classroom this year. I can't imagine a better way to start school! We have truly been blessed by these two precious ladies that taught our children so much more than they even realize!
I'll wrap up on that note, but before I sign off I wanted to let you know that my dad made it safely to Nigeria and should be coming home this Friday night. In addition, my grandpa is out of the hospital and recuperating at home; so thank you so much for your prayers. God is so faithful to us. I've got another request for you though.
Please remember Suzie Bohlson in your prayers. Suzie teaches at the medical school I will be attending next year, and our paths first crossed when we judged a science fair together last spring. When I decided that I was attending the South Bend Center, I contacted Suzie to see if she could show me around. I discovered that she is heading to Africa this summer, and she was excited to hear that I was interested in going myself. She had been looking for a medical student to work with, as she is trying to establish an ongoing ministry in Uganda. We sat and talked for a couple hours; I had to keep reminding myself we'd really only just met! To hear how the Lord has worked all of the circumstances in her life to position her where she is now for "such a time as this" is awe-inspiring. We serve such a big God. We don't know where this adventure will lead, but we have both agreed to hold on for the duration of the ride and to try not to get in God's way! Suzie's trip will be mostly exploratory in nature, trying to assess the needs and determine how her gifts can be used best to demonstrate compassion in an ongoing ministry, which I hope to be very much a part of! How exciting to see the way she is working to bring science and faith together to help others. Please pray for her safety and wisdom as she continues to plan this adventure of which her trip is only just the beginning. I'm off to pick up my precious kiddos. Thanks for reading!
blessings, shannon