I thought I'd update the blog this weekend, since I had some time (relative to previous weekends, anyway....) In case anyone still stops by here, this is what we've been up to!
Madeline is on the quiz team at our church. They are studying the book of Exodus this year, and she has been working very hard. Yesterday was her second quiz meet, and the first I have been able to attend.
Here she is ready for questioning with the two gals who were on her team.
Time out with the coach.... The look on her face here is one of realization that she just had her first perfect quiz out and earned her gold medal!
picking up that gold medal.....
We met up after dinner with our friends Marcus and Heather too....we had to take a picture of the three of us gals together because look, it's "Heather, Shannon, and Laura"
So, that's some of what we've been up to the past couple months or so. As far as school goes, I am now done with embryology, anatomy, and on Friday, finished biochemistry. The Lord is faithful and I am receiving A LOT of prayer power, I am well aware of that! Thanks so much for caring about our family and lifting us up in prayer.
Speaking of thanks......if you are still reading, you need to know that my mother-in-law is a saint! She came over last weekend to watch the kids so we could go to the concert, (Mike had planned that whole weekend without me knowing.) and the next day she drove Laura and Brent to the airport for us, before heading back home. As if that wasn't a tremendous enough help to us, she came back this Thursday to pick the kids up from their half day of school and spent the night with us. While I was away studying, she didn't just love on my kids for me....she did all my laundry! Thanks so much for your help, Mom. Love you!
Ok.....it's off to the wonderful world of Histology for me now. The last class before Christmas break....cannot wait!
I uploaded some new videos, so you can find those below. Thanks for reading!
The kids riding bikes on the top of the IUSB parking garage.....
One of Madeline's first solo streaks on her bike.....
Here's a spin on bike riding....now it's my dad who needs a push from Mike. You thought I forgot I had this, didn't you, Dad?
Not that you'll be able to make any of this out, but here is the dimly lit video of the kids singing for the school event. Timothy is on the front row on the left and Madeline is in the back row closer to the center of the group.